"And all that generation also were gathered to their fathers. And there arose another generation after them who did not know the Lord or the work that he had done for Israel." Judges 2:10
Mini-Fall VBS 2020
Did your children miss the awesome learning experience of VBS this summer? If they did, we have good news! We will be offering a Mini FALL Vacation Bible School this October. Fun & Faith on the Farm is a 2 day Bible School being offered this year at St. Matthews Lutheran Church of Sandy Hill.

This is Going to Be Fun!
Family Night
Hotdogs & A Movie
Bible Lessons
Music & More...
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Lutheran's and Christian Education

Martin Luther's Thoughts
Above all, the most important and most usual teaching, in both the universities and the lower schools, ought to be concerned with the Holy Scriptures . . . Oh! how unwisely we deal with our poor young folk, whom we are commanded to train and instruct [Prov. 22:6]! But we shall have to give a serious account of our stewardship, and explain why we have not set the Word of God before them . . . We fail to notice the present pitiful distress of the young people. Though they live in the midst of a Christian world, they faint and perish in misery because they lack the gospel in which we should be training and exercising them all the time.
- Martin Luther, “An Appeal to the Ruling Class of German Nationality as to the Amelioration of the State of Christendom,” in Martin Luther: Selections from His Writings, ed. John Dillenberger (New York: Anchor, 1962)